Do you want to offer an LMPC training event specifically for members of your congregation or organization?
The Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leader – or any of our workshops – can be presented on a contract basis for churches, judicatories, or denominational offices interested in providing training for a group of people in their region.
Benefits of sponsoring a contracted event:
Your church or judicatory might benefit from sponsoring an LMPC training event if you:
Churches of all denominations have found the value of hosting the LMPC events, including workshops and the Mediation Skills Training Institute for Church Leaders (MSTI).
If you are interested in learning more about sponsoring a particular training event in your region, please contact LMPC at or call 630-627-0507 to explore this option.
You can contract with LMPC to hold an event that is “in-house” (registration is open only to a select group), or an event that is open to the general public. “In-house” events would not be announced on this website. Arrangements and registration would be made with the LMPC staff person leading the in-house sponsored event.
Events that are sponsored by judicatory and denominational offices are sometimes open to registrations outside of their sponsoring group.
PHONE: 630-627-0507
ADDRESS: 101 W. 22nd Street, Suite 206
Lombard, IL 60148
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