LMPC Program Calendar 2025
See at a glance all the events currently scheduled for this year. The postcard format makes it easy to print and send to a friend!
Members of groups (i.e. four or more participants) save $15 apiece for one-day workshops, provided the entire group registers all at once with full payment at least one week before the event. Please click the Registration Form button below to record the names and contact information of each participant.
For those with limited resources who would otherwise be unable to attend MSTI, we have a limited number of partial registration assistance available. For more information, call our office at 630-627-0507 or email us at admin@lmpeacecenter.org to receive an application form.
The dates for 2024-2025 are October 21-23, 2024 then Feb 10-12 and April 28-30, 2025. Like years past, this will be a hybrid event. There will be the opportunity to attend in person at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Glen Ellyn, IL, or attend online via Zoom. Our distinguished guest presenters for this year are Dr. Kathleen Smith, Dr. Bob Noone, and Kathleen Cauley.
Dates for 2025:
Dates for 2025:
Dates for 2025:
Date for 2025:
Dates for 2025:
Dates for 2025:
For more information and to register by mail, view this flyer.
Augsburger, David. Conflict Mediation Across Cultures: Pathways and Patterns. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1992. Pp. 310.
Augsburger, David. Helping People Forgive. Louisville, KY: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1996. Pp. 180.
Bartel, Barry C. Let’s Talk: Communication Skills and Conflict Transformation. Newton, KS: Faith and Life Press, 1999. Pp. 80.
Brubaker, David R. Promise and Peril. Herndon, VA: The Alban Institute, 2009. Pp. 169.
Fisher, Roger and Ury, William. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2011. Pp. 204.
Kraybill, Ronald S., Evans, R. and Frazer Evans, A. Peace Skills: Manual for Community Mediators. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc., 2001. Pp. 137.
Lederach, John Paul. Reconcile: Conflict Transformation for Ordinary Christians. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2014. Pp. 190.
Lederach, John Paul. The Little Book of Conflict Transformation. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2003. Pp. 74.
Mock, Ron, editor. The Roleplay Book: 41 Hypothetical Situations. Akron, PA: Mennonite Conciliation Service, 1997. Pp. 123.
Schrock-Shenk, Carolyn and Ressler, Lawrence, editors. Making Peace With Conflict: Practical Skills for Conflict Transformation. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1999. Pp. 198.
Smith, Kathleen S. Stilling the Storm: Worship and Congregational Leadership in Difficult Times. Herndon, VA: Alban Institute, 2006. Pp. 229.
Hudson, Jill M. Evaluating Ministry: Principles and Processes for Clergy and Congregations. Washington D.C.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books, 1992. Pp. 74.
Mead, Loren B. A Change of Pastors. Washington, D.C.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Alban Books, 2005. Pp. 100.
Oswald, Roy M. New Beginnings: A Pastorate Start Up Workbook. Washington D.C.: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Books, 1989. Pp. 82.
White, Edward A. Saying Goodbye: A Time of Growth for Congregations and Pastors. Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Books, 1990. Pp. 114.
Boers, Arthur R. Never Call Them Jerks: Healthy Responses to Difficult Behavior. Washington D.C.: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Books, 1999. Pp. 147.
Bowen, Murray. Family Therapy in Clinical Practice. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson Inc., 1985. Pp. 566.
Bregman, Ona Cohn and Charles M. White. Bringing Systems Thinking to Life: Expanding the Horizons for Bowen Family Systems Theory. New York: Routledge and Taylor & Francis, 2011. Pp. 392.
Creech, R. Robert. Family Systems and Congregational Life: A Map for Ministry. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing Group, 2019. Pp. 226.
Friedman, Edwin H. A Failure of Nerve: Leadership in the Age of the Quick Fix. New York: Seabury Books, 2007. Pp. 160.
Friedman, Edwin H. Friedman’s Fables. New York: Guilford Press, 1990. Pp. 213.
Friedman, Edwin H. Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue. New York:
Guilford Press, 1985. Pp. 319.
Friedman, Edwin H. The Myth of the Shiksa and Other Essays. New York: Seabury Books, 2008. Pp. 225.
Friedman, Edwin H. What Are You Going to Do With Your Life? New York: Seabury Books, 2009. Pp.185
Galindo, Israel. The Hidden Lives of Congregations: Discerning Church Dynamics. Herndon, VA: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Bookss, 2006. Pp. 230.
Gerson, Randy and McGoldrick, Monica and Petry, Sueli. Genograms: Assessment and Intervention. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 1985. Pp. 380.
Gilbert, Roberta M. Connecting with Our Children: Guiding Principles for Parents in a Troubled World. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1999. Pp. 231.
Gilbert, Roberta M. Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking About Human Interactions. Second Edition, Stephens City, VA. Leading Systems Press, 2017. Pp.262.
Herrington, J., Creech, R., and Taylor, T. The Leader’s Journey: Accepting the Call to Personal and Congregational Transformation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2003. Pp. 188.
Kerr, Michael E. Bowen Theory’s Secrets: Revealing the Hidden Life of Families. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company, 2019. Pp. 382
Kerr, Michael E. and Bowen, Murray. Family Evaluation: An Approach Based on Bowen Theory. New York, NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 1988. Pp. 400.
Kerr, Michael E. One Family’s Story: A Primer on Bowen Theory. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown Family Center, 2003. Pp. 43.
McGoldrick, Monica. You Can Go Home Again. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company, 1995. Pp. 329.
Miller, Jeffrey A. The Anxious Organization: Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things. Miami, FL: Vinculum Press, 2019. Pp. 219.
Richardson, Ronald W. Becoming a Healthier Pastor: Family Systems Theory and the Pastor’s Own Family. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2005. Pp. 150.
Richardson, Ronald W. Couples in Conflict: A Family Systems Approach to Marriage Counseling. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2010. Pp. 249.
Richardson, Ronald W. Creating a Healthier Church: Family Systems Theory, Leadership, and Congregational Life. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 1996. Pp. 184.
Richardson, Ronald W. Polarization and the Church: Applying Bowen Family Systems Theory to Conflict and Change in Society and Congregational Life. Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2012. Pp. 161.
Steinke, Peter L. A Door Set Open: Grounding Change in Mission and Hope. Herndon, VA: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Books, 2010. Pp. 141.
Steinke, Peter L. Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times: Being Calm and Courageous No Matter What. Washington, D.C.: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Books, 2006. Pp. 154.
Steinke, Peter L. Healthy Congregations: A Systems Approach. Washington, DC: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Books, 1996. Pp. 118.
Steinke, Peter L. How Your Church Family Works: Understanding Congregations as Emotional Systems. Washington, D.C.: Rowman & Littlefield / Alban Books, 1993. Pp. 196.
Steinke, Peter L. Uproar: Calm Leadership in Anxious Times. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. Pp. 161.
Titelman, Peter, editor. Differentiation of Self: Bowen Family Systems Theory Perspectives. New York; Routledge and Taylor & Francis, 2014. Pp. 398.
Williamson, Robert. Charting Self: A Beliefs Chart Curriculum for Adults. Woodridge, IL: BeliefsChart.org LLC, 2007. Pp. 54.
Williamson, Robert. Family Thoughts: Studies of the Function of Beliefs within the Family Unit. Woodridge, IL: 2014. Pp. 76.
De León-Hartshorn, Iris, Miller Shearer, Tobin, and Shands Stoltzfus, Regina. Set Free: A Journey Toward Solidarity Against Racism. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2001. Pp. 167.
Friesen, Duane K. and Schlabach, Gerald W., editors. At Peace and Unafraid: Public Order, Security, and the Wisdom of the Cross. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2005. Pp. 450.
Girard, René. I See Satan Fall Like Lightning. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2001. Pp. 199.
Kreider, Alan, Kreider, Eleanor, and Widjaja, Paulus. A Culture of Peace: God’s Vision for the Church. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2005. Pp. 205.
Roth, John D. Beliefs: Mennonite Faith and Practice. Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 2002. Pp.169.
Roth, John D. Choosing Against War: A Christian View. Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2002. Pp. 206.
Swartley, Willard M., editor. Violence Renounced: René Girard, Biblical Studies, and Peacemaking. Telford, PA: Pandora Press U.S., 2000. Pp. 343.
Gaede, Beth Ann, editor. When a Congregation is Betrayed: Responding to Clergy Misconduct Washington, DC: Alban Institute, 2006. Pp. 227.
To Order Books:
Orders can be placed online, over the phone, or through physically mailing a check. Call the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center at (630)627-0507 if ordering by phone or physical mail.
PHONE: 630-627-0507
EMAIL: admin@lmpeacecenter.org
ADDRESS: 101 W. 22nd Street, Suite 206
Lombard, IL 60148
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